The Crystalbreeder enhanced your early stage solid state screening due to the availability of the multiple crystallization mode like cooling, evaporation, slurry or vapor diffusion crystallization studies using the world’s smallest reactor. The new 32 reactor benchtop crystallizer with overhead stirring offers multiple crystallization modes all at less than 0.1 mL per reactor. The CrystalBreeder is the first crystallizer dedicated for both drug development and discovery/hit identification carrying out rapid complete crystallization screens with as little as 1 mg of sample. The CrystalBreeder gives you real time turbidity information for 32 parallel temperature controlled experiments.
Enhance your early stage solid state screening with the CrystalBreeder bench-top system. The CrystalBreeder is the next generation multi-reactor crystallization platform for medium-throughput solid-state research, operating at a working volume of 0.1 ml.
Carry out rapid crystallization screens with 1 mg of sample using multiple crystallization modes including: